In the middle of the town square in Granada, the huge poster for our concert attracted a crowd of three hundred, a mixture of locals and American ex-pats who make that funky town on the giant lake of Nicaragua their home. (see Alicia's blog for an account of our boat tour of that lake's small islands, home to rich Nicaraguans, bargain-hunting vacationers, and the occasional Spider monkey named Lola!)
Our smiling faces and foot-stomping songs are always balanced by the scenes surrounding us in this, the second poorest country in the region, behind Haiti. There is visible contention between supporters of the Sandanista party, and those who oppose their rule currently, as illustrated by the grafitti in the streets.

Tonight, we will play in the residence of the American Ambassador and will meet young Nicaraguans who have traveled to the US on exchange programs and returned home to share their experiences abroad with their communities.
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